Dec 01 2021

Top 5 Snow-Shoveling Safety Tips

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Monthly Message December 2021
Monthly Message December 2021

Winter is in full-swing and that means thousands of Americans will be outside shoveling snow from their driveways, and if done incorrectly, they will also find themselves on the couch after with low back pain. These five simple snow-shoveling tips will go a long way in helping to prevent unnecessary pain and injury:

Winter is in full-swing and that means thousands of Americans will be outside shoveling snow from their driveways, and if done incorrectly, they will also find themselves on the couch after with low back pain. These five simple snow-shoveling tips will go a long way in helping to prevent unnecessary pain and injury:

Choose the right shovel. If you don’t already own one, consider purchasing a plastic ergonomic shovel. These shovels have a small to medium bucket and a contoured design to help keep you upright and avoid lifting with your back.

Use proper technique. The key to shoveling snow is to push it rather than scoop it—this will significantly reduce the stress on your body. And don’t forget to use your legs! Rather than bending at your low back, bend slightly at your hips and squat down with your legs keeping your low back straight. This will take pressure away from your low back and allow you to lift without straining a muscle or injuring a joint.

Start early in the morning. Get out and shovel snow from the night before early in the morning, before it has the chance to melt, re-freeze, and turn your driveway into an ice rink. Shoveling just a few inches of snow at a time is far easier than shoveling six inches of packed snow at once.

Take your time. If you can’t get a head start on the snow, section off the job into small pieces that can be done in short increments. Shoveling non-stop for an extended period can make you sore, so take frequent breaks or ask someone else to help you finish the job.

Ask a neighbor for help. Consider asking someone younger on your street to lend a helping hand rather than risking yourself to potential injury.

We hope these shoveling safety tips will help you avoid injury and unnecessary hours spent on your couch this winter.

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